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REWE Group is one of the leading purchasing and travel groups in Europe. Its business activities focus on serving customers with food, home improvement and gardening supplies, and tourism. Today, REWE Group serves more than 12 million customers daily.
In 1927, 17 purchasing cooperatives joined together to form the “Revisionsverband der Westkaufgenossenschaften” – REWE for short – in order to pool resources for food purchasing.
REWE Group is a very workforce-intensive company with around 380,000 employees working in 15,550 stores and travel agencies.
REWE Group needed a solution for a personnel cost planning system in order to implement workforce planning and achieve its goals.
The following project goals were defined by REWE Group together with CubeServ:
In summary, the goal was to harmonize the planning processes through a consistent and standardized approach.
After the setup for the project was created, the focus was on the following topics or functionalities:
The project lasted 18 months and was structured into the sub-phases “creation of functional and technical concept”, “prototype development “, “piloting” and “roll-out”.
The new system brings the following advantages:
Through an effective and cooperative partnership between the employees of REWE GROUP and CubeServ, an intuitive system for workforce planning was established, which enables the harmonization of planning processes through a consistent and standardized approach.
Find out how we can help you advance with the digitization and optimization of your personnel cost planning. Even in a dynamic environment. With PeoplePLAN.
Or simply give us a call: +49 6142 210 170
Or simply give us a call: +49 6142 210 1717
Or simply give us a call: +49 6142 210 1717
PeoplePLAN – your comprehensive solution for both strategic and operational workforce planning.
Develop a future-ready and efficient strategic workforce plan that optimizes your workforce strategy by proactively identifying talent shortages and surpluses. Drive forward-looking talent acquisition and development while enhancing agility and planning security through dynamic scenario planning.
At the same time, streamline operational workforce planning with precise budget control, transparent cost tracking, and data-driven decision-making.
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