Case Study

Intuitive workforce and personnel cost planning system for harmonization of planning processes at REWE Group


REWE Group is one of the leading purchasing and travel groups in Europe. Its business activities focus on serving customers with food, home improvement and gardening supplies, and tourism. Today, REWE Group serves more than 12 million customers daily.

In 1927, 17 purchasing cooperatives joined together to form the “Revisionsverband der Westkaufgenossenschaften” – REWE for short – in order to pool resources for food purchasing.

Initial situation

REWE Group is a very workforce-intensive company with around 380,000 employees working in 15,550 stores and travel agencies.

REWE Group needed a solution for a personnel cost planning system in order to implement workforce planning and achieve its goals.

Project goals

The following project goals were defined by REWE Group together with CubeServ:

  • Implementation of a consistent HR planning tool based on a familiar and controllable SAP-BW technology
  • Ensuring a “single point of truth” for all HR data, including in the planning phase
  • Creation of transparency by documenting the reasons for planning
  • Linking HR and monetary targets in the context of HR planning
  • Harmonization of planning processes through a standardized approach
  • Mapping of all planning measures and their effects on workforce and costs
  • Possibility of a “roll-back” of already executed planning measures during the planning phase
  • Automatic adjustment of all calculations including collective bargaining adjustments and social insurance
  • Consideration of individual employee pay increases and other cost components
  • Mapping of transfers to another organizational unit including backfilling of positions

In summary, the goal was to harmonize the planning processes through a consistent and standardized approach.

Implementation of the project

After the setup for the project was created, the focus was on the following topics or functionalities:

  • Decentralized intuitive operational personnel cost planning
  • Comparability and quality assurance of data incl. consideration of fixed future information
  • No need for local data or records
  • Integration of planning results into the existing reporting landscape (dashboards, online reports)
  • All planning stakeholders have access to the same level of information
  • Continuous availability of data and information on and after completion of planning as well as in subsequent years

The project lasted 18 months and was structured into the sub-phases “creation of functional and technical concept”, “prototype development “, “piloting” and “roll-out”.


The new system brings the following advantages:

  • The new planning tool harmonizes the planning processes through a consistent and standardized approach
  • All planning measures can be recorded for the exact month. The tool derives from the measure whether it is the beginning or the end of the month.
  • Historical, actual and forecast values are provided for each position
  • Relevant key figures and key dates are clearly displayed for the user’s own area of responsibility
  • Measures that change the position can be recorded for each employee or position, as can the transfer of an employee
  • Various monetary adjustments can be made to the employee, the position or an organizational unit, but also across the board for the entire unit
  • The new tool automatically takes into account the mechanisms for calculating the respective vacation and Christmas bonuses as well as any anniversary payments
  • The tool documents at which point in time data was recorded by whom, and which changes were implied
  • The authorization management of the users takes place automatically on the basis of certain technical criteria

Through an effective and cooperative partnership between the employees of REWE GROUP and CubeServ, an intuitive system for workforce planning was established, which enables the harmonization of planning processes through a consistent and standardized approach.

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